In 2013, I left my 10-year corporate marketing career behind to launch my own career consultancy. Prior to starting my own small business, I could definitely envision the upside of self-employment: freedom to do work I really enjoyed, control over my time, autonomy to make my own decisions, and flexibility to work where and how […]
Career change is never easy. It involves starting over and walking away from a profession you’ve inevitably invested a lot of time into, not to mention having to try and explain your non-traditional career path to those people who favor professionals with traditional, linear career paths. Over the past few years of coaching clients and […]
Career change is often misunderstood. Whenever I’ve walked away from one job to pursue another, some people have called me a quitter. Others questioned whether I would ever figure out what I wanted to do. Still others were confused why I couldn’t just be content with the job I had, even if I didn’t love [...]
Anytime you make a major change in your life, you’re going to face some self-doubt. Especially among career changers, stepping away from a traditional, linear career means can’t always fall back on years of experience in a role, a steady track record of promotions, or a relevant set of experiences that demonstrate the types of skills you’re […]
The New Rainmaker Platform is very limited compared to Wordpress. Here are 8 reasons I returned to Wordpress after hosting my site on Rainmaker for a year.
Dealing with rejection has been one of the toughest things to manage in my career. Rejection can come in so many different forms. Prospective employers not getting back to me. Reporters not responding to my pitches. Speaking gigs falling through. Or people just never replying to my outreach, even if I’m asking for something as simple […]