If you’re considering a career change, you’re not alone. In my line of work as a career change consultant over the past decade, the vast majority of professionals I cross paths with are in the midst of a career transition, often driven by their desire to do work they find more fulfilling. Having spoken personally […]
Our careers can feel similar to driving a car down a road, where you can control the speed, pull over to rest when you want, or take a detour when you feel like it. However, more often than not, our careers are more like being on a fast-moving train. As a passenger on that train, […]
Rejection is an inevitable part of any challenging or meaningful endeavor. Sometimes, rejection is explicit and in your face. A prospective client may say no to the services you offer or a hiring manager may tell you they’ve chosen a more well-qualified candidate. Other times, rejection is implicit and less obvious but just as frustrating. […]
“So, what do you do?” How often have you been asked that question. From networking events to industry conferences to first dates, you’ve probably either asked someone this question or have been asked the same question at the very start of a conversation. This question is broad and open-ended, typically meant to kick off a […]
A career is something you depend on and invest heavily in day in and day out, so understandably this goes through some serious considerations. Do you go for what is financially rewarding or one you find fulfilling? What if you can build a career that meets both? Achieving a state of flow is key, using […]
Running your own business can be full of challenges that keep you up at night. Here are a few of the emotions I’ve had to wrestle with and overcome in order to get a good night’s sleep and stay on track with my goals as a solopreneur.